#GetTechnical with your elbow position! The thing about pulls is that they need to mimic the positioning of the clean and snatch as much as possible. So, even though everybody pulls, here’s how to Keep Pulling the right way:
In this video with one of our Remote Athletes, we are focusing on corrections around the toes and elbows. We frequently say “Toes & ‘Bows” to remind our lifters of:
Standing tall through the balls of the feet
Keeping pressure against the ground until the bar begins to drop
Keeping the elbows, wrists, and barbell in a straight line
Should the elbows come behind the body or if the athlete releases pressure against the ground, it could lead to:
Improper extension through the actual lifts
Loss of power through the top of the lift
Improper/lack of arm action through the “third pull”
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