When we train for Weightlifting, most of our coaching is centered around teaching, correcting, and reinforcing the proper bodily positions at the proper time. There is an old adage that says, “Position is power,” and that couldn’t ring more true for Weightlifting!
In this case with one of our Remote Athletes, the hang position is in question. As we’ve outlined in a previous article about defining our positions, the hang position requires:
✅Shoulders ahead of of the barbell (forward)
✅Vertical shins with knees slightly bent
✅Bodyweight trending to the HEELS-ish
Our lifter achieves this on the way up from the ground, but on the way back down to the hang, we must be careful to avoid:
🚫Shoulders getting behind the barbell (backward)
🚫Shin angle with knees passing the toes
🚫Bodyweight trending forward on the foot
The more we can train the proper positions in every instance, the more a solid foundation can be constructed. Solid lifts boil down to consistency so remember, perfect practice makes perfect!