As you all know, there is a Pandemic in the world today that is affecting us all. Rest assured that we at @keeppulling are working closely with city and county officials to discuss our plan for #TBSC3 on April 11th.
Health and safety of the community is our number one priority. We are currently operating under the assumption that all will be well for our event in April, but there is no telling what developments may unfold in the next few days and weeks.
We will update you all as soon as any pertinent information becomes available — Please allow us this time to put our plan together.
We appreciate all the questions and concerns about the event. While we share your enthusiasm and curiosity during these somewhat uncertain times, we ask that you please do not message or email us regarding a plan B, cancellations, or rescheduling of the event. We are working with city officials and health authorities to determine the final outlook.
In the meantime, please take this seriously. Be sure to follow proper precautionary measures that have been put in place by the CDC and World Health Organization.
This is a TEAM effort, and we can get through this if we all work together! Also know that we are working hard to find answers and figure this whole situation out!
Be safe, and we will update you soon. Thank you for your understanding!