Olympic Weightlifting & Strength Training
We've got your training needs covered whether you're just starting out or you're looking to compete in Weightlifting! Our packages include training programs, coaching feedback and instruction, and a fun and supportive environment to make sure you achieve your goals!
Our Weightlifting Programs

Technique Intro Course
No experience? NO PROBLEM! Our intro classes hav two levels designed with the beginning lifter in mind. Learn from scratch, refine your technique, or improve for CrossFit!

Weightlifting Group Training
Train with other Weightlifters in a group setting to improve your snatch and clean & jerk! All group training hours are supervised by our expert and professional coaching staff. Ask us about our student rates!

Remote Training
All the benefits of having a coach but from a distance! Our Remote Coaching includes raining programs, video coaching & analysis, and more and is available for athletes in and out of Tampa!
Personal Training
Weightlifting Competition Team (Local & National)
High School Weightlifting Programs
Sport-Specific Strength & Conditioning Programs
Private 1-on-1 Coaching
Group Weightlifting Training with our Expert Coaches
What are lifters saying?
Being a part of Keep Pulling is an experience that I didn’t know I needed. They are so involved with the community and have the best coaches! Weightlifting is all about bringing people together and everyone at Keep Pulling keeps the door open for anyone and everyone. We have such a diverse and amazing club because of it but the best part of it all is the atmosphere lifting with everyone and just having fun!

Within just a few months of coaching under Keep Pulling, my lifts have improved significantly, both physically and mentally. I’ve gained so much more confidence in my snatch and managed to put 11+ kilos on to my back squat and I know there’s much more coming in my future as a lifter!
Not only does Patrick ensure that his lifters improve their technique and steadily progress with PR’s, he also focuses on growing his athletes’ mental fortitude. It sounds overused and cliché, but his coaching is the epitome of “trust the process”. I’ve been trusting that for almost a year now and I could not be happier!

When I first started, I had no idea what Olympic Weightlifting even was. Patrick asked me if I wanted to try it out and then spent hours working with me and helping me to become the best lifter I could be. This ultimately helped me be the strongest lifter on my football team and also helped me become a lot more explosive and faster on the field than I ever would have been without Weightlifting!